A week of bad weather but plenty of running.
I kicked off my week with an unintentional 5 miler on Monday. I locked myself out of my house but happened to have my running gear in my bag so changed and ran back to work for my keys then a scenic route back to the house. Later on Monday I started my first swimming lesson. I've wanted to learn how to swim for some time now but only started lessons last week. The idea is to get stuck into lessons so I can take part in a few triathlons, but by the looks of things I might be a while. If only I could get the breathing right! Six more lessons in the Markievicz pool and hopefully I'll at least be able to float!
Tuesday involved an interval session with Rathfarnham WASF followed by football training. I was supposed to do 8 x 1km intervals but got down late so only got 5 in. Pushed hard though so got a good bit out of it. I'm finding it less and less gruelling to keep below the sub 4min km which is encouraging.
I missed out on the lunch run Wednesday and had a lazy evening after a busy day of work.
I went down to Rathfarnham WASF again on Thursday for my first circuits session. This involved all sorts of tough exercises such as squats, rows, push ups, sit ups, core work, steps and jumps. After 50 minutes of this we went for a 4 mile warm down run along a fantastic route by the Dodder river. Along the way, I got chatting to Mark Scanlon. He's the guy who has run the 777 challenge, 7 marathons in 7 continents in 7 months. He's an interesting character and told me a few funny stories about his travels and experiences along the way. Check out his website: http://www.777challenge.com/
Work had an association dinner in the Four Seasons on Friday night so I went out for a light 4 mile run before hand. At the dinner I met John Bolger, former Irish athlete and winner of the 1990 Dublin marathon. I got chatting to John about marathons and his views on athletes today. Was a bit embarrassed telling him my PB though in comparison to his 2:17 for Dublin. I took it easy on the beer and wine at dinner as a hectic Saturday was ahead.
I woke up Saturday morning at 9am but stayed in bed for an extra 30mins due to only getting in at 2.30am. The extra lie on meant that there was little wriggle room in my 20mile run if I was to make the rugby in Croker at 1.15. I took off through Rathmines and along the canal towards Crumlin bridge, where I would follow the Dublin marathon route all the way out to UCD and into town. Conditions were tough to say the least.
With a storm brewing I managed to get constant wind, some rain sleet and even a bit of sun on the way around. Despite this, I felt good throughout the run and finished in 2:39 giving me a sub 8min per mile run, although it may not be an entirely accurate 20 miles. While gmaps measured out 20 miles, my polar pedometer gave me 19.6 miles. Either way, it's a decent time for my long run and I can only improve with the next one in two weeks.
After the disappointment of the rugby, the joy of a Liverpool victory and the hilarity of a United defeat myself and Elaine went out to the Bull and Castle for a well deserved few steins of beer. The occasion was to celebrate Rebecca and Johnnys going home to New Zealand to get married. Have a great time guys and keep up the running Bex. Those asics will look great as wedding shoes!
I took it easy on Sunday, heading out for a slow 5 mile run along my new route, the Dodder River then through Bushy Park. My legs felt quite soar during the first mile but they weren't long in loosening out and they actually felt better at the end than before I set off despite a high mileage weekend. Met my target of 43 miles for the week and no injuries yet so very happy with how things are going.
Next week is St. Particks weekend which brings two races: the BHAA 4 mile cross country in Maynooth on Saturday and the KBC 5km in the city centre on Sunday.
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