I'm back. It's been a while since I've updated this blog due to it being such a hectic few weeks. Between work, our apartment purchase, trips to Liverpool and of course training I've had very little time to sit down and update my blog. So apologies to the masses who've been keenly following my weekly blog!
Since my last post, I have taken part in a number of races and posted PBs in all of them. First was the BHAA 5km cross country in Malahide. This was an interesting and very enjoyable race under floodlights. I managed a respectable 19mins 45seconds and a new personal best over that distance. I also met up with a couple of old school friends, Aengus and Alan, at the race. They've been running at a high level since first year in school so it's safe to say that they both finished ahead of me.
I've put in a considerable amount of training since December. Looking at my training log last week, I calculated that by the time I line up in London on Sunday I will have run close to 450 miles since I started training at Christmas. That 450 includes a 17 miles, 20 miles and 21 miles training runs where I managed to put in 8 minute miles. Hopefully I can continue a similar pace for the 26.2.
Last weekend I took part in two of my best races to date. I ran the Raheny 4 mile road race on Saturday, finishing in 25 mins 47 seconds. I've come on a good bit since my first race this year, the Raheny 5 mile which I ran in 7 minute miles. I also managed to finish ahead of a few lads I struggled to keep up with in previous races.
Next up was the race where it all started for me. I ran my first 10km in the 2004 Great Ireland Run and Sunday was my fourth. My previous PB over this course was 46:34 and I was out to smash it this time round. And I did, with a lot of help from John O'Regan who acted as my pacemaker for the entire race giving me encouragement when I felt I'd nothing left in the tank over the punishing hills at the last 2k. I finished in 40:30, a time I never would have thought I was capable of even a couple of months ago.
A good crew from KPMG took part with a few decent times so we may well have won the business challenge, although we still haven't heard the result.
I took it easy on Monday and went for a punishing but loosening sports massage. Each time I run a marathon I try get a massage at least a week before hand. It's great for loosening tense muscles and preventing possible injuries.
Tuesday was Champions League night and what a night. Myself and Jack took off to Liverpool for what proved to be another memorable European quarter final for Liverpool FC. Next up, Chelsea in another semi final!
I'm off to London on Friday. I'll get a few light miles in before then but nothing too strenuous. Looking forward to the weekend ahead at this stage.