Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday HuRTS

I've been running with the Hickson Road Training Squad (HuRTS) for three years now. It's a motley crew of road runners, track runners, trail/ultra runners and triathletes. I guess I fit into most of them, except triathlon, although I have done a half Ironman, sort of. Anyway, it's a bloody fast group, especially at the pointy end, and most of my training posts will involve runs with this crew.

Today was a 16km easy run around the harbour. A relatively flat route from the Domain through to the end of Barangaroo and back. It was a rainy one so it suited the Irish when compared to the stinking hot days we've been having lately. Felt good and was able to push out some fast kms. Low turnout today with Conway away and people shying away from the rain, or maybe it was the weekend of energy sapping heat? Ran with Craig W, Scottish Richie, Jonathan W, Indrajeet and a few others. Only JW and myself covered the full 16kms and he kept me honest, surging for the last 3-4kms. 4:25 per km. Felt solid.

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