Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Pyramid

Today was the Pyramid in Rushcutters. This involves a ladder session on the 450m oval at Rushcutters. A rep followed by a rest (half the time it takes to do a rep). The session goes 1 lap, 2 laps, 3 laps, 4 laps, 3 laps, 2 laps, 1 laps. During my marathon training I tended to avoid the Rushcutter sessions as they are short and sharp and not always ideal for the marathon. But now that I want to improve my speed and bring down my 5k and 10k times, i need to go hard in these session. The group was split into two - Mike C, Tom, Timmy (just back from God knows what in Thailand), Enda, Kanser and James. The second group consisted of Laura, Luke, Christian, myself and Ironman guy (some dude from UBS that has been at a lot of these sessions lately). I'm happy to say, I was best of the rest in the second group with some solid laps. I even went harder on the last two, burying myself when IM guy tried overtaking me (after cruising the first four) on the second three lap rep. about 1:35s per lap average with 11km all up (including brisk warm up and cool down).

Tried CrossFit for the first time this morning. I have to say, it's pretty good and ideal for some cross training and strengthening of my arms and core. Will try and fit in one session a week and see how it goes. Also, until today, I didn't realise how crap I am at push ups.


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