Sunday, December 9, 2012

Western States 100 miler

I woke up on Sunday morning to an email saying that I was successful in getting into the Western States 100 mile race for 2013. This is a 100 mile race, the oldest at this distance, that's probably one of the most prestigious on the ultra marathon and trail running scene. It starts in Squaw Valley California and finishes up, 100.2 miles later, in Auburn, California, crossing the wilderness of Emigrant Pass and covering 5,500 metres of ascent and 7,000 metres of decent. It's a pretty popular event with over 2,200 applicants but only 450 places. I entered the lottery and my name came out, 85th on the list. I had planned to do an ultra in Italy at that time but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to tick the WS100 box so we'll be making the trip to Cali in June. Check out the promo for a recent, fascinating, documentary on the race. Hopefully I'll be returning from the Squaw with one of these babies to add to my belt buckle collection.


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